All Classes and Interfaces

The action class to update the game.
Base is the base window that all actions occur on.
Represents a tile that makes the player jump by 2 tiles in a direction.
Template for Tile objects that need a color property.
Enum with values that represent all valid colors.
Controller that connects key actions to actions.
This class is used to aid my development of this module.
Used when an element needs to enforce postconditions.
Used when an element needs to enforce preconditions.
A custom repeatable annotation where extra info can be provided about the work that needs to be done.
Allows WIP to be repeatable.
Tests to check the integrity of the game state in the domain module.
Base class for enemies, has a speed property so app knows how often to ping the enemy.
Entity<S extends Observable<S>>
Template for entities in a level, including the player.
A record used to store an action taken.
Represents an interaction with a tile that happened in the action.
Represents the entity interacting with a tile.
Enum with values for each direction, which each have a point representing the change in position.
Represents a tile that will transition to the next level when the player walks onto the tile.
Class for Fuzz Testing.
GameButton is button with set colors to make it match consistently across UI.
This class stores the constants needed for the dimensions of the objects within the maze, as well as the colors used and sizes of the window they will be displayed on.
Creates Pop-up boxes for our game.
For selecting different pop-ups.
Menu bar for game.
Game menu item to add to menu bar.
The game state class to store the game state.
Represents an empty tile.
Side panel for menu.
This stores an enum with the names of all the images to be used in the game.
Represents a tile which will give the player additional information if they are on it.
Represents a tile with a key on it, which the player can pick up by walking onto the tile.
To map key events to actions.
Used to load levels and resume games.
Tests for Load class.
Represents a tile which the player can only walk on if they have a key of the correct color.
Represents a tile which the player can only walk on if they have collected all the treasures.
Main class.
This class stores the game state (player, tilemap, entities, and treasures).
Represents a point on the tilemap.
Panel containing menu information.
Represents a tile that kills the player.
A class can extend this so an instance of it can be observed by Observer objects.
A functional interface, instances of it will be attached to an Observable, which will call the update method.
Used to parse XML files.
Used to parse recorded games from XML.
Tests for parser class.
This JPanel contains both game panel and side panel.
The entity that will be controller by user input, this functions just like a base Entity but with an inventory to hold keys.
The player for the recorder.
The recorder for the game.
Used to save the current game.
Tests for Save class.
This class constructs sounds clips to be played in the SFXPlayer class.
An enum of the sounds to be played during the game.
Plays a sound depending on the event happening in the game.
This class displays the remaining time and treasures left for this game level, and the items in the player's inventory.
Template for tiles that has fields and methods that all tiles will need.
Used by persistency module to create tiles based on an ID (for loading), as well as get the ID of a current object (for saving).
Represents a tile with a treasure on it, which the player can pick up by walking onto the tile.
This class displays the maze, and all the entities active in the current level such as the player, free tiles, walls, keys, locked doors, treasures, locked exit, and exit.
Represents a wall, the main tile that will obstruct the player.